
Saturday, November 12, 2011

0 Benefits of Cycling - Pedal Your Bike

The results obtained from cycling will tighten the muscles, especially the bottom like a calf, thigh and hip. Cycling can burn about 300 calories to 700 calories per hour. So, it would be useful for you who want to lose weight. In addition, cycling can increase lung volume by 50% so that oxygen can fit more.

For obese people, cycling is a sport that is recommended for cycling are relatively safe compared to most sports that require running or jumping. Conflicts caused by running or jumping can cause injury to the legs, waist, back for those who are obese due to excess weight make the impact even harder. Cycling is also good for those who have heart disease.

One reason for cycling to be an interesting exercise is due to cycling can be one way of relaxation. Enjoying the scenery in a relaxed and merasakah wind gusts can be one means of recreation is refreshing. So you can physically fit plus freshen the mind.

Cycling Tips
In order to gain the maximum benefit and avoid injury, several things must be considered, namely:
  1. Make sure important parts of the bike such as brakes and tires in a safe condition so it will not interfere with travel or cause accidents.
  2. To avoid the risk of injury, do a little warming, especially to stretch the muscles of the lower part like the hips, thighs and calves.
  3. As an addition to safety while biking, you can mengguunakan pelidung equipment such as helmets, shoes, socks, gloves, goggles or other equipment needed.
  4. When I started riding a bike, do it first with a slow speed for 5-10 minutes as a way to warm up and adjust a bicycle.
  5. When riding a bike, get your pedals one full turn.
  6. Speed ​​is recommended for health is 27 km / h and 70 wheel revolutions per minute (rpm)
  7. Cycling is complete, do the cool down by pedaling slowly for about 10 minutes.
  8. In addition to health, use of bicycles can also reduce air pollution caused by vehicular use. Traffic fumes can create a polluted environment. We recommend using a bike when you have to travel to places that allow to reach by bicycle. In fact, there is also a community called "Bike to Work" to use bicycles to go to work every day.
Seeing the many positive results from cycling, it would not hurt to pedal your bike.

0 How to be friendly with fat foods

Fat is considered as the enemy of health. Cholesterol, obesity or high blood pressure is the adverse effects of fat. However, it is not easy to shy away from fat. Fatty foods tend to be more delicious to eat. In food, there are several types of fat contained. Starting from the good fats until fat is detrimental.


Hearing the word fat, usually immediately thought of one's mind with body fat or disease. Things like this are not entirely true, because the fat is still needed by the body. Fat still have benefits for the body, especially for children who are active and in its infancy, is required also in the formation of fat cells and helps to menadi cells flexible so it can absorb nutrients properly. With adequate nutrition, children will be the maximum in growth. Consumption of fat the body needs as much as 15% -30% of food consumed.

Benefits for the body fat, among others, as a carrier of some vitamins such as vitamin A, D, E and vitamin K. Another benefit is the fat as an energy source, protecting the body from the cold and protect the human body organs from damage. Thus, it is necessary body fat, another reason we need to consume fat is because fat can not be generated solely by the human body, so that food becomes a source of fat intake for the body.

In order to get benefit from fat, then that should be more widely consumed are the good fats. Here are the types of fat contained in food:

Monounsaturated Fatty Acid (MUFA)

Also known by the name of a single bond in unsaturated fats. These fats provide good benefits for the body and can be consumed every day. This type of fat found in nuts such as almond, avocado and olive oil.

Poltunsaturates Fatty Acid (PUFA)

Other terms are the double bond in unsaturated fats. Fat is also good for the body. PUFAs also consists of essential fats omega 3 and 6 are good for the formation of cells and brain in children. Fish, fisheries such as salmon, tuna, mackerel and snapper are the source of PUFA in addition there is also the preparation of soy such as tempeh, tofu, as well as on the touge and avocado.

Saturates Fatty Acid (SAFA)

Are bad fats that can cause various diseases. Known also as the saturated fat. This type of fat if consumed in excess can cause a buildup of fat in the blood vessels so that blood flow is blocked. Diseases that can be caused, among others, coronary heart disease, hypertension, and hypercholesterolemia. Some foods that contain saturated fat include skin chicken, coconut milk, and fried foods. Because of bad health, consumption of SAFA should be minimized.
Fat is not the food that should be avoided altogether. Eat fat foods in a balanced and more consumption of unsaturated fat can be done to keep the body and get good nutrition helps the body stay healthy.

0 Tips to choices and enjoy eat fast food with more healthy

Much-loved fast food. How can you eat in a healthy way? how to enjoy fast food with more healthy?
Fast food is a preferred food and were encountered when we are out of the house. The negative side of these foods are not healthy foods, less nutrition, and many contain chemicals, and even got a nickname as junk food. How do I create food that is still healthy to eat?

Fast Food
A variety of fast food outlets or fast-food restaurant offers American fried chicken, nuggets, burgers or sausages. And the food has become a preferred food of children and even adults. Savory flavors of the food makes us happy to eat it.

Unfortunately, these foods are not healthy foods. Fat content that makes a person suffering from high cholesterol and obesity, additional ingredients that can damage the body, and very few fibers are a few things that make these foods are not recommended for health. If you have or may in the mood to enjoy the food at fast food restaurants, in some ways, you can make these foods are healthier for the body. Here is some important information before you decide to enjoy the food.

American Fried Chicken
American fried chicken or often known as the fried chicken is one of the fast food of the most popular. A variety of restaurants both from within and outside the country have been peddling this fried chicken. Why is it less healthy fried chicken? And how the trick is to eat fried chicken in a safe manner?

The reason the American fried chicken (fried chicken) is less healthy:
  1. Regular use chicken that is usually given an injection of hormones in breeding.
  2. Chickens of this type have a lot of fat content.
  3. Using cooking oil that has a high boiling point. Such oils contain cholesterol.
  4. In order to get the chicken skin is dry but the inside still delicious, fried chicken with deep frying at high temperatures. This technique makes oil more and more absorbed into the chicken meat, can reach 65%.
Tricks enjoy American fried chicken (fried chicken) to make it healthier:
  1. Set aside the chicken skin. In the skin, the fat contained in it quite a lot. If possible, the skin does not have to eat even though the piece is indeed the most delicious.
  2. Select the chest, because the fat content in this section is less than the chicken thighs.
  3. Eating healthy foods. With a little mayonnaise or salad vegetables is that you can eat menu so you still get fiber to the body.

Sausage and Nugget
Sausage and nuget is also one of the favorite foods. For example, for a burger or hot dog. Sausage and nuget not only available at fast food restaurants, but is also available and sold in various supermarkets. Why do you also need to look when eating sausage or nuget? And how the tricks to stay healthy while enjoying the sausage and nuget?

Reasons nuget sausage and less healthy:
Sausages and nuggets have passed the various stages of processing which has the addition of various preservatives or dyes that make the kidneys work to be heavy.

Using a meat that is not clear. Having been through the process of processing, the material used to not be known with certainty. Section viscera, skin or cartilage may even be used for production costs can be minimized. Enjoy sausage and nuget tricks to make it healthier:
  1. Eat smaller portions or share so that the amount eaten is not too much.
  2. Add the vegetable menu in your menu such as salads or fruit intake at subsequent meals.

Reasonable time Enjoying Fast Food
Because you may not completely avoid fast food, then you can use the trick mentioned above to minimize the negative effects of fast food. You can also make your own at home so that the materials are used more secure and more healthful.

Do not forget to add the vegetables and fruit as the fiber so that the food is not very long stay in the intestine and absorbed by the body. Enjoy your fast food.

0 Coffee Lowers Stroke Risk Exposure

Drinking coffee was able to reduce the risk of stroke in women. This study is published in Circulation: Journal of the American Heart Association, showed that women who drank four cups of coffee or more had 20% lower likelihood of stroke when compared to those drinking less than one cup per month. While drinking 2-3 cups of coffee per day can reduce the risk of stroke by 19%, and who drank a cup of coffee as much as 5 to 7 times per week can reduce the risk of stroke by 12%.

The researchers examined data of 83,076 women participants of the Nurses' Health Study. The participants of this study shall be examined since 1980, no single person who suffers a stroke, heart disease, diabetes, or cancer. Every two to four years, the participants filled out a questionnaire about their eating patterns. During this study, which lasted for 24 years, a total of 2280 cases of stroke recorded.

Coffee benefits more real to look for people who do not smoke. For women who never smoked or who had stopped smoking, drinking 4 cups or more per day was associated with reduced risk of stroke by 43%, but only 3% for women who smoke.

Smoking, high blood pressure, diabetes, and high cholesterol resulted in neutralizing the benefits of coffee.
The benefits of coffee does not come from the caffeine content in coffee, because people who drank tea and caffeinated soft drinks did not experience the same reduction in risk by drinking coffee. These findings support the hypothesis that there are components in coffee other than caffeine that is involved in the potential benefits of coffee on stroke. Antioxidants contained in coffee lower inflammation and improve blood vessel function.

The benefits of coffee can only be applied to healthy people, whereas people who have problems with his health will deteriorate with coffee drinking (eg, insomnia, anxiety, hypertension, or heart problems) should consult with your healthcare provider about this risk.

The data of this study suggest that attention must still be given to factors other stroke risk, because these factors will not disappear by drinking coffee.

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