
Friday, April 20, 2012

0 NASA Biocapsule The Miracle Can Save Millions of Lives

No hospital in space. The only way is back on Earth, and astronauts are not likely to jump back into the earth. So what happens when the sun erupts with a large radiation effect while the astronauts were in the room space?

One of the main threats in space is a high level of radiation exposure. When astronauts traveling beyond Earth's orbit (ie, to the Moon or Mars), they are at risk of acute radiation exposure of the "solar particle events," the launch of a sudden from solar radiation that can damage bone marrow and immune system to remove someone. Imagine if an astronaut going to Mars. While the round trip takes between two to three years. During that time, astronauts will not go to the doctor, and there is much that can go wrong with the human body in space. So, before launch, NASA astronauts are planted with a number of Biocapsules. A small incision is made in the skin of an astronaut to enter any Biocapsule (probably in the thigh), which is implanted under the skin. This outpatient surgery that requires only local anesthesia and stitches to close the wound. But after it is completed, the astronauts equipped the body's immune system to deal with her own range of problems. That's where NASA Biocapsule point, cells that experience an increase in radiation levels and automatically deliver the drugs to help the body exposed.
NASA Biocapsule-made of carbon nanotubes will be able to "diagnose" and treat astronauts directly without him realizing something was wrong with him. It would be like having a personal doctor under the skin. This is one of the most significant breakthrough in the history of medicine, and it will work on Earth as well. Of all the amazing things that, apparently NASA Biocapsule only by stern-carbon granules. Space Biosciences Division at NASA Ames created this medical technology for the astronauts. They basically provide health care for outer space. Dr David Loftus is the person who finds Biocapsule NASA and has been awarded a patent for it.

Each capsule is able to give as many doses over a period of years. There is no "life" in Biocapsules. They are very resilient, and there is currently no known enzymes that can break their nanostructures. And because the nanostructures are inert, they are very well tolerated by the body. The porous nature of the capsule allows the drug to penetrate their walls, but the nano structure is strong enough to keep the cells in one place. After all cells are removed, Biocapsule remain in the body, stable and without realizing it, until finally removed again by a doctor when back on Earth.

In our home planet, NASA's primary target is Biocapsule diabetes or patients who require insulin. Dr. Loftus: capsule will be filled with cells of pancreatic islets (of animals) or will be filled with cells that are designed to behave like pancreatic islet cells, with both glucose-sensing and insulin secretory function. Patients with low insulin may benefit from implantation of a single capsule (containing maybe a million to 10 million cells); patients with higher insulin needs may require more than one capsule implantation.

In other words, patients with diabetes do not have to worry anymore for lack of insulin. They do not have to worry about remembering to take medication and they may even be free from monitoring their blood sugar levels. Many diabetes patients lapsed into a coma or death during sleep because that's eight hours every day when they can not monitor their levels. The Biocapsules NASA will work automatically, regardless of whether you're awake or not. In 2010 there was an estimated 285 million people living with diabetes, so to say that this finding could potentially save millions of lives.

Some children are born missing a gene, or were born with a defective gene. As a result, they can not make the necessary protein. Hemophilia is a classic example. These patients lost an important blood clotting protein. Biocapsule can be used to implant the engineered cell to release the missing protein. Successful therapy will mean that the patient is spared the need to receive periodic injections. Patients will be safely protected by a protein released from the capsule, and they will be able to lead a more normal life.

With Biocapsule, NASA has changed the face of medicine forever. They are inexpensive and very easy to make. Vacuum to suck carbon nanotubes into a mold, you slide the capsule of the mold, filling it with your cell, and then you close the well using a nanotube or a protein glue. They are scheduled to begin animal trials this year and next, and human trials will begin shortly thereafter. If all goes well we may see it invested in the International Space Station astronauts this decade, and in the meantime, Dr. Loftus think that realistically we can use any on Earth within 10 to 15 years.


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